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January 30, 2017
One of the top concerns that website owners have is getting penalized by Google. It’s an understandable concern given that Google dominates online searches on all devices. There’s also the issue of algorithm updates. A new algorithm can change what is and isn’t acceptable in the eyes of the search engine. Web pages that once passed the Googlebot sniff test could suddenly be penalized based on the new signals.

January 03, 2017
Google has been very clear that high quality content is what gets a website top rankings. But that doesn’t mean webmasters continue to look for loopholes.

December 28, 2016
Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller recently addressed a few very interesting topics about crawling in a hangout chat session.

December 09, 2016
Even though John hosts Webmaster Central hangout chats to answer people’s questions directly, some people still think Google doesn’t shoot them straight.

December 05, 2016
Is it a good SEO idea to create multiple pages for a single product in order to highlight each specific feature? Here’s what Google had to say.

November 29, 2016
If your website's category pages aren’t ranking well, the first thing you should consider is how useful they are to users.

November 22, 2016
Can some black hat SEO tactics be overlooked by Google? John Mueller of Google explains their approach to avoiding some spammy SEO tactics.

November 15, 2016
Google doesn’t use the same metrics from Google Analytics to determine organic rankings. However, they do note some key user behaviors can influence your position in the SERPs.

October 26, 2016
You may have already read in our previous blog posts that Google uses over 200 ranking signals to determine which pages show up for a search. Here's what Google says about how often they update the signals.

October 19, 2016
We’re psyched to announce SearchRPM’s Michael Ramirez was selected to be a mentor on the fundamentals of SEO at SXSW 2017! Read the full story.